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Residential News | Sat 07 Jul 2018
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A team from our office in Thirsk will be attending and sponsoring the annual Thirsk & Sowerby Festival on the Flatts event, which takes place next month, and attracts more than 3,000 people looking for a family-friendly great day out.

Thirsk & Sowerby Festival on the Flatts will take place between 10am and 4pm on Sunday 5th August, and we will be running a stand, handing out goodies and giving people advice on all aspects of property. 

Office manager, Andrew Skelton, said: “As we continue to grow the business in 

Thirsk, marketing property in the town and all of its surrounding villages, we wanted to make sure we play a visible role in the local community by supporting events like this fantastic festival.” 

Thirsk & Sowerby Festival on the Flatts is a free day out for all the family, with a dog show and agility course, archery, birds of prey, bouncy castles and a re-enactment society attending on the day. There will also be soap box racing, plus food and craft stalls, as well as a beer tent. 

We are also supporting the Great Yorkshire Show this year and will be hosting a stand. We were recently involved with The Fountains 10K, an event which raised almost £11,000 for Fountains CE Primary School near Ripon. 

For more details of the event call 07920 018521 or visit speak to the Dacres team on 01845 574939.

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